Criar currículo a partir do LinkedIn

Transforme seu perfil do LinkedIn em um currículo.

Crie magicamente em segundos um currículo impressionante usando seu perfil do LinkedIn!

Magic import

Conversor simples de LinkedIn para currículo

Importação mágica de currículos do LinkedIn com um clique.

Por que escrever um currículo do zero quando você já tem um perfil fantástico no LinkedIn? Você pode converter em poucos segundos o seu perfil do LinkedIn cuidadosamente elaborado em um currículo impressionante. Não há necessidade de esforço extra. Basta inserir a URL do seu perfil do LinkedIn e você terá seu currículo pronto rapidamente. Importe seu perfil do LinkedIn agora.


Melhor que o modelo de currículo do LinkedIn

Dê-lhe um aspecto impressionante com mais de 40 modelos fantásticos.

Depois de importar seu perfil, você só precisa escolher um modelo de currículo e dar um toque pessoal ao seu currículo do LinkedIn. Todos os nossos modelos de currículo foram desenvolvidos por tipógrafos profissionais e são altamente personalizáveis. Com mais de um milhão de combinações de design possíveis, você pode tornar seu currículo do LinkedIn exclusivamente “você”. Explore todos os modelos de currículo.

Open AI

Gerador de currículo LinkedIn GPT-4

Use IA para aprimorar seu currículo recém-importado.

Quer adicionar uma nova seção ao seu currículo ou melhorar uma já existente? Atualize seu currículo no LinkedIn com nosso AI Resume Rewriter. Ele pode refinar seu currículo e reescrevê-lo em uma linguagem profissional e específica para o seu setor. Saiba mais sobre nosso AI Resume Rewriter.

Obtenha seu currículo no LinkedIn agora.
Cole um link no seu perfil e o Kickresume cuidará do resto.

Import your LinkedIn, get a resume. Then use our AI tools to make it better.

If you’ve already got a polished LinkedIn profile, why go through the same writing process again with your resume? After all, a good LinkedIn profile and a good resume have a lot in common. You can use that!

Simply import your LinkedIn profile to Kickresume and turn it into a sleek professional CV.

You can then use our AI toolkit to rewrite your resume, check it for errors with our resume checker, and even make it look super professional with our stunning resume templates. That is, if you feel like making your resume a bit more ‘extra’ and job-winning.

What are the benefits? Why import your LinkedIn profile instead of building a resume from scratch?

The following only apply if you’ve already got a good LinkedIn profile. But that shouldn’t be a problem — every ambitious job seeker should already have one!

In any case, here are some obvious and less obvious benefits of using our super easy LinkedIn-to-resume converter.

  1. Save time. You don’t have to write a resume from scratch. You can use the content from your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Done in a single press of a button. It’s quick and easy. Simply enter your profile’s url and press “Import”.
  3. It doesn’t end with importing the profile. You can (but don’t have to) use a wide array of our tools to give your resume an edge over others — you can scan it for improvements, get AI feedback, quickly generate a tailored cover letter, rewrite it with AI, and more.
  4. Tailor your resume to every job application. Any LinkedIn profile has one drawback — it’s one size fits all. A resume can be tailored to each job you apply to, which we would strongly advise you to do if you really want to land that job.

All in all, converting your LinkedIn profile into a resume gives you a good way out if you don’t want to waste time writing your resume from scratch. It’s quick, easy, and highly recommended!

How to download your resume from LinkedIn then? Is it just a single click and that’s it?

Yes! And no. But mostly yes! The thing is, there’s both a technical side and a content side to it.

While the technical side is pretty straightforward and quick, the content side of converting your LinkedIn profile to a resume can be a bit tricky. But that, of course, all depends on your profile.

How to download your resume from LinkedIn then?

  1. Go to the top of our LinkedIn profile to resume converter web page (you can also simply scroll up, it’s this very web page)
  2. Enter your LinkedIn profile’s address, and press the “Convert to Resume” button.
  3. Sign up.
  4. Review your newly imported LinkedIn resume, pick an ATS-friendly template, use our AI Writer to rewrite it, analyze it with our resume checker — Kickresume gives you plenty of tools to make your LinkedIn resume stand out.

However, you probably wouldn’t want to stop there. Your LinkedIn profile — and, by extension, your newly imported resume — probably isn’t yet tailored to a specific job opening. Leaving it as such would be a missed opportunity.


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How to create a resume from LinkedIn?

You can easily import your LinkedIn profile to Kickresume and let the LinkedIn-to-resume converter do the rest. It only takes a few seconds.

This is how to create a resume from your LinkedIn profile:

  1. Open your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Select your profile’s public url (e.g. and press Ctrl+C (on Windows), or Command+C (on MacOS).
  3. Now go to Kickresume’s LinkedIn import website: Convert Your LinkedIn Profile to a Resume.
  4. Paste the link inside the designated field near the top of the page by pressing Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (on MacOS).
  5. Press “Convert to Resume”. This will take you to the website’s sign up screen.
  6. Sign up using your preferred method (e.g. with your Google or Facebook account).
  7. Kickresume will now import your LinkedIn profile and convert it into a resume.
  8. Et voilà! You now have a complete resume in a random resume template from Kickresume.
How can I improve the resume I exported from LinkedIn?

Don’t forget to make at least some changes to your newly imported LinkedIn resume.

For instance, your resume can usually benefit from minor formatting changes, as some of the original LinkedIn formatting can get lost during the importing process.

You should also remove any LinkedIn-specific phrases from your new resume. You might not want phrase like “Let’s connect” or “Open to opportunities” appear on your resume.

Add resume-specific sections, such as hobbies or skills, and finally, tailor your new resume to each specific job opening you’re applying for.

Customize your resume’s visuals. You can choose from 40+ templates, explore more than one million design combinations, and make your resume more you.

Finally, you can even let AI rewrite your entire resume using our AI Resume Rewriter. It’s easy to use and it will rewrite your resume in a language that sounds more professional.

I’ve created a resume from my LinkedIn profile. Can I download it for free?

Yes, you can. While it’s true that not all resume templates and customization options are free (we need to make money somehow), there are still several high-quality resume templates available.

At the end of the day, yes, you can download a full-fledged professional resume for free. Just make sure to avoid any features that are clearly marked with the “Premium” badge inside the app.

On the other hand, if you decide that you like the premium templates better — and would like to land your dream job faster with the help of Kickresume — you can always upgrade to Premium. We offer well-priced plans for every type of customer.

Can I customize the appearance of my new LinkedIn resume?

Yes! You can choose from more than 40 professionally-designed resume templates and customize each template to your liking.

You can change nearly every part of your new resume. Each template comes with its own set of alternative color schemes and typefaces that were chosen by our expert typographers to complement the overall design.

What’s more, you can also create a cover letter with a design that matches your resume. We always create new templates in resume / cover letter pairs.

Ultimately, there are more than one million possible design combinations for you to explore. The sheer number of customization options gives you the ability to create a resume that stands out from the rest. All within reason, though — no matter how you customize your resume, our designers made sure it will always look good.

I’m having problems converting my LinkedIn to a resume. What should I do?

If you’re having problems converting your LinkedIn profile to a resume, there are two things you can do:

  1. Make sure your LinkedIn is filled with enough content. Remember that an empty profile makes for an equally empty resume. Fill your LinkedIn profile with at least 200 words. For best results, you should have at least the About, Experience, and Education sections of your profile filled with content. The more the merrier.
  2. Make sure your profile is not set to private. Our tool needs to have the ability to access your LinkedIn profile. If your profile is set to private, only your connections can view it. Set your profile to public and try importing your LinkedIn profile again.
  3. Make sure that your profile is more than 30 days old. Sometimes it takes a few days for Kickresume to access your profile. While this usually takes less than the aforementioned 30 days, this time period gives us a bit of an overhead when diagnosing problems related to LinkedIn import.

If you’ve done all of the above and you’re still unable to turn your LinkedIn profile into a resume, please contact our customer support (click the speech bubble icon in the bottom-right corner). Our customer support team is always more than happy to help.