Ukážka životopisu supervízora

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Priemer: 4.9 (10 hlasovaní)

Ukážka životopisu supervízora (textová verzia)

Lucas Meller

Národnosť: Swiss
Telefón: 555-555-555


My objective is to secure a supervisor position in a dynamic organization where I can contribute my skills and knowledge to achieve organizational goals while enhancing my personal and professional growth.


10/2008 - 01/2014, Master in Business and Management, Bussiness Administration, Stanford Graduate School of Business, united states
  • Human Resource Management, Operations Management and Accounting minor
  • GPA 3.8 (top 10% of the program)
  • Acitivities: TEDx Club, Economics Society
02/2014 - 05/2017, Leadership and Management, Institute of Leadership and Management, united kingdom
  • 2016 Team Leadership Award winner for demonstrated exceptional leadership in team environments, manage teams, foster collaboration, and create a positive and inclusive team culture for achieving collective goals.

Work Experience

01/2021 - PRESENT, Operations Supervisor, IBM, NEW YORK, United states
  • Managed a team of 20 employees, overseeing their daily operations and ensuring efficiency and productivity.
  • Streamlined inventory management processes, reducing inventory carrying costs by 25% and improving accuracy by 80%.
01/2020 - 12/2020, Intership as Team Leader, Johnson & Johnson, new york, United states
  • Developed and implemented a new onboarding program for incoming interns, streamlining the process and ensuring a smooth transition for new team members.


MS Office
MS Project
Zoho CRM


2019, Leadership Development Programs
2018, Project Management Certification


O pozícií:

As a Supervisor, you will play a crucial role in overseeing and managing a team of employees to ensure smooth operations and achieve organizational goals. Your responsibilities will include supervising daily activities, providing guidance and support to team members, monitoring performance, and implementing strategies to optimize productivity and efficiency. Strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills will be essential in successfully leading and motivating your team. As a Supervisor, you will contribute to creating a positive work environment and driving overall success within the organization.

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